Northern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Activity DROPS
Ryan Maue, from the Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies, Dept of Meteorology, Florida State University, has recently authored a paper entitled "Northern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Activity". In a nutshell, research indicates that recent northern hemisphere cyclone activity has fallen off (you knew this though) because of the association between atmospheric energy and sea surface temperatures. Because sea surface temperatures have been COLDER (not warmer), there has been less cyclonic activity. Further, climate variability is simply NOT unexpected. It has always been variable and cyclic.
Admittedly, Ryan Maue isn't a lawyer or a politician. You can find his abstract on the Geophysical Research Letters site HERE
Click on the graphic to enlarge it.
Admittedly, Ryan Maue isn't a lawyer or a politician. You can find his abstract on the Geophysical Research Letters site HERE
Click on the graphic to enlarge it.